在VMware ESXi上对三星PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD 980 PRO硬盘进行直通DirectPath和虚拟化Virtualization的读写测试
Read and Write Tests of Samsung PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD 980 PRO Hard Drive with DirectPath and Virtualization on VMware ESXi
物理服务器 |
NF5280M5 |
硬盘 |
虚拟化软件 |
ESXi 7.03 |
虚拟机配置 |
8核心 16G内存 120G系统盘 |
操作系统 |
CentOS7.9 |
数据盘 |
三星 PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD 980 PRO |
测试软件 |
fio |
yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install fio
sudo vgcreate lvmgroup /dev/vdb
sudo lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n data lvmgroup
sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/lvmgroup/data
sudo mkdir /data
sudo echo "/dev/lvmgroup/data /data xfs defaults 0 0" >>/etc/fstab
sudo mount -av
3、编写 fio 测试配置文件:创建一个用于 fio 测试的配置文件。您可以使用文本编辑器创建一个新文件,例如 fio_test_config.fio

[root@10-53-220-58 ~]# cd /data/
[root@10-53-220-58 data]# ls
[root@10-53-220-58 data]# sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/fio_test_file bs=1G count=32
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
34359738368 bytes (34 GB) copied, 36.9548 s, 930 MB/s
[root@10-53-220-58 data]# vi fio_test_config.fio
[root@10-53-220-58 data]# sudo fio fio_test_config.fio
randwrite: (g=0): rw=randrw, bs=(R) 4096B-4096B, (W) 4096B-4096B, (T) 4096B-4096B, ioengine=libaio, iodepth=1
Starting 4 threads
randwrite: Laying out IO file (1 file / 32768MiB)
randwrite: Laying out IO file (1 file / 32768MiB)
randwrite: Laying out IO file (1 file / 32768MiB)
randwrite: Laying out IO file (1 file / 32768MiB)
Jobs: 4 (f=4): [m(4)][100.0%][r=102MiB/s,w=103MiB/s][r=26.2k,w=26.3k IOPS][eta 00m:00s]
randwrite: (groupid=0, jobs=4): err= 0: pid=9048: Fri Apr 12 13:55:32 2024
read: IOPS=26.0k, BW=102MiB/s (107MB/s)(29.8GiB/300001msec)
slat (nsec): min=3381, max=69136, avg=4802.53, stdev=1677.41
clat (usec): min=21, max=19215, avg=113.61, stdev=218.66
lat (usec): min=34, max=19220, avg=118.47, stdev=218.66
clat percentiles (usec):
| 1.00th=[ 48], 5.00th=[ 51], 10.00th=[ 53], 20.00th=[ 55],
| 30.00th=[ 57], 40.00th=[ 59], 50.00th=[ 65], 60.00th=[ 74],
| 70.00th=[ 77], 80.00th=[ 85], 90.00th=[ 93], 95.00th=[ 343],
| 99.00th=[ 1270], 99.50th=[ 1369], 99.90th=[ 1516], 99.95th=[ 1565],
| 99.99th=[ 1958]
bw ( KiB/s): min=20680, max=36128, per=24.99%, avg=26004.68, stdev=2194.12, samples=2397
iops : min= 5170, max= 9032, avg=6501.10, stdev=548.54, samples=2397
write: IOPS=25.0k, BW=102MiB/s (106MB/s)(29.7GiB/300001msec)
slat (usec): min=4, max=135, avg= 6.16, stdev= 1.90
clat (nsec): min=1292, max=1175.4k, avg=27396.71, stdev=3962.20
lat (usec): min=19, max=1181, avg=33.62, stdev= 4.09
clat percentiles (nsec):
| 1.00th=[18304], 5.00th=[21888], 10.00th=[23680], 20.00th=[24960],
| 30.00th=[26496], 40.00th=[26752], 50.00th=[27264], 60.00th=[27520],
| 70.00th=[28288], 80.00th=[29312], 90.00th=[31616], 95.00th=[34048],
| 99.00th=[39168], 99.50th=[41216], 99.90th=[43776], 99.95th=[45312],
| 99.99th=[50944]
bw ( KiB/s): min=20280, max=36008, per=24.99%, avg=25980.38, stdev=2247.11, samples=2397
iops : min= 5070, max= 9002, avg=6495.02, stdev=561.78, samples=2397
lat (usec) : 2=0.04%, 4=0.01%, 10=0.01%, 20=0.90%, 50=50.88%
lat (usec) : 100=44.43%, 250=1.06%, 500=0.46%, 750=0.46%, 1000=0.53%
lat (msec) : 2=1.22%, 4=0.01%, 10=0.01%, 20=0.01%
cpu : usr=4.49%, sys=11.07%, ctx=15587579, majf=0, minf=10
IO depths : 1=100.0%, 2=0.0%, 4=0.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
issued rwts: total=7804560,7797520,0,0 short=0,0,0,0 dropped=0,0,0,0
latency : target=0, window=0, percentile=100.00%, depth=1
Run status group 0 (all jobs):
READ: bw=102MiB/s (107MB/s), 102MiB/s-102MiB/s (107MB/s-107MB/s), io=29.8GiB (31.0GB), run=300001-300001msec
WRITE: bw=102MiB/s (106MB/s), 102MiB/s-102MiB/s (106MB/s-106MB/s), io=29.7GiB (31.9GB), run=300001-300001msec
Disk stats (read/write):
dm-2: ios=7801557/7794611, merge=0/0, ticks=862107/186550, in_queue=1048584, util=100.00%, aggrios=7804560/7797562, aggrmerge=0/1, aggrticks=857542/181607, aggrin_queue=1039149, aggrutil=100.00%
nvme0n1: ios=7804560/7797562, merge=0/1, ticks=857542/181607, in_queue=1039149, util=100.00%

[root@10-53-220-44 data]# sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/fio_test_file bs=1G count=32
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
34359738368 bytes (34 GB) copied, 71.8294 s, 478 MB/s
[root@10-53-220-44 data]# vi fio_test_config.fio
[root@10-53-220-44 data]# sudo fio fio_test_config.fio
randwrite: (g=0): rw=randrw, bs=(R) 4096B-4096B, (W) 4096B-4096B, (T) 4096B-4096B, ioengine=libaio, iodepth=1
Starting 4 threads
randwrite: Laying out IO file (1 file / 32768MiB)
randwrite: Laying out IO file (1 file / 32768MiB)
randwrite: Laying out IO file (1 file / 32768MiB)
randwrite: Laying out IO file (1 file / 32768MiB)
Jobs: 4 (f=4): [m(4)][100.0%][r=78.2MiB/s,w=77.8MiB/s][r=20.0k,w=19.9k IOPS][eta 00m:00s]
randwrite: (groupid=0, jobs=4): err= 0: pid=9016: Fri Apr 12 14:43:21 2024
read: IOPS=20.4k, BW=79.7MiB/s (83.6MB/s)(23.4GiB/300001msec)
slat (usec): min=4, max=114, avg= 6.78, stdev= 1.98
clat (usec): min=42, max=38534, avg=134.39, stdev=190.16
lat (usec): min=53, max=38545, avg=141.24, stdev=190.14
clat percentiles (usec):
| 1.00th=[ 79], 5.00th=[ 87], 10.00th=[ 89], 20.00th=[ 92],
| 30.00th=[ 93], 40.00th=[ 96], 50.00th=[ 98], 60.00th=[ 101],
| 70.00th=[ 104], 80.00th=[ 106], 90.00th=[ 113], 95.00th=[ 161],
| 99.00th=[ 1205], 99.50th=[ 1319], 99.90th=[ 1467], 99.95th=[ 1516],
| 99.99th=[ 2057]
bw ( KiB/s): min= 73, max=24856, per=16.35%, avg=13347.32, stdev=9723.44, samples=2397
iops : min= 18, max= 6214, avg=3336.67, stdev=2431.02, samples=2397
write: IOPS=20.4k, BW=79.6MiB/s (83.5MB/s)(23.3GiB/300001msec)
slat (usec): min=5, max=115, avg= 8.06, stdev= 1.98
clat (nsec): min=1403, max=38544k, avg=44914.21, stdev=37185.93
lat (usec): min=32, max=38560, avg=53.04, stdev=37.23
clat percentiles (usec):
| 1.00th=[ 36], 5.00th=[ 39], 10.00th=[ 40], 20.00th=[ 42],
| 30.00th=[ 43], 40.00th=[ 44], 50.00th=[ 45], 60.00th=[ 46],
| 70.00th=[ 47], 80.00th=[ 48], 90.00th=[ 50], 95.00th=[ 52],
| 99.00th=[ 57], 99.50th=[ 59], 99.90th=[ 69], 99.95th=[ 87],
| 99.99th=[ 135]
bw ( KiB/s): min= 71, max=25352, per=16.36%, avg=13341.18, stdev=9726.48, samples=2397
iops : min= 17, max= 6338, avg=3335.13, stdev=2431.78, samples=2397
lat (usec) : 2=0.01%, 10=0.01%, 20=0.01%, 50=45.37%, 100=33.22%
lat (usec) : 250=19.16%, 500=0.43%, 750=0.43%, 1000=0.46%
lat (msec) : 2=0.91%, 4=0.01%, 10=0.01%, 20=0.01%, 50=0.01%
cpu : usr=3.53%, sys=11.43%, ctx=12237590, majf=0, minf=11
IO depths : 1=100.0%, 2=0.0%, 4=0.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
issued rwts: total=6121601,6116013,0,0 short=0,0,0,0 dropped=0,0,0,0
latency : target=0, window=0, percentile=100.00%, depth=1
Run status group 0 (all jobs):
READ: bw=79.7MiB/s (83.6MB/s), 79.7MiB/s-79.7MiB/s (83.6MB/s-83.6MB/s), io=23.4GiB (25.1GB), run=300001-300001msec
WRITE: bw=79.6MiB/s (83.5MB/s), 79.6MiB/s-79.6MiB/s (83.5MB/s-83.5MB/s), io=23.3GiB (25.1GB), run=300001-300001msec
Disk stats (read/write):
dm-2: ios=6120646/6115090, merge=0/0, ticks=806337/255779, in_queue=1062184, util=100.00%, aggrios=6121601/6116035, aggrmerge=0/1, aggrticks=801719/251319, aggrin_queue=1051124, aggrutil=100.00%
sdb: ios=6121601/6116035, merge=0/1, ticks=801719/251319, in_queue=1051124, util=100.00%
直通 (DirectPath)
read: IOPS=26.0k, BW=102MiB/s (107MB/s)(29.8GiB/300001msec)
write: IOPS=25.0k, BW=102MiB/s (106MB/s)(29.7GiB/300001msec)
read: IOPS=20.4k, BW=79.7MiB/s (83.6MB/s)(23.4GiB/300001msec)
write: IOPS=20.4k, BW=79.6MiB/s (83.5MB/s)(23.3GiB/300001msec)
读取 (Read) |
写入 (Write) |
带宽 (Bandwidth) |
直通 (DirectPath) |
26.0k |
25.0k |
102MiB/s (107MB/s) |
虚拟化 (Virtualization) |
20.4k |
20.4k |
79.7MiB/s (83.6MB/s) |